Whether you’re an individual investor who owns one or two rentals or you are an owner or manager of a holding group with large assets and associations, we can assess all of the risks in your personal and professional portfolios. It’s our priority to find you competitive rates AND avoid gaps or unintended cross-liability exposures. Property and Liability are the basic building blocks, but not all properties are the same and not all ownership structures are the same. Blanket coverage can be written on multiple locations and coverage for Directors and Officers can also be included for Associations that need it.
Why are we different?
Of course, like many other independent agencies – we pride ourselves on our ability to help you assess risk, provide advice, and seek out competitive quotes. However, there are real advantages to including us in your decision making process. Our carrier relationships are strategic to cover a broad spectrum of risks as our customer needs have evolved. While some agencies only represent national companies focused on very large risks and others mainly handle smaller risks for individual landlords – we have diverse company relationships that allow us to serve a much broader spectrum than most agencies. Regional companies tend to be the most competitively priced, but the relationship between the agency and the company often determines the comfort level of the underwriter – which has a direct impact on pricing.
Regardless of the size or type of your property, you’ll benefit from having us provide you with quotes to compare. Our list of property types includes (but certainly not limited to):
- Industrial
- Flex
- Warehouse
- Office
- Mixed Use
- Retail
- Dealerships
- Hotels/Motels
- Restaurants
- Entertainment Venues
- Apartments/Condos
- Rentals – Annual, Seasonal, and AirBnB